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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)

Primary Documentation

It is most helpful when students provide an evaluation report such as a psychoeducational evaluation or neuropsychological assessment. More current documentation is always preferred since it puts AccessibleNU-Q in a better position to determine reasonable accommodations. Diagnostic reports should be completed by qualified professionals, and should include the following information:

  • Documented developmental history indicating relevant symptoms and behaviors across multiple settings. Possible data sources include past evaluations, school records, teacher and parent reports.
  • Documentation of current symptoms that meet DSM-5 diagnostic criteria or otherwise demonstrate functional impact. Possible data sources include:
    • Clinical interviews
    • IQ tests (with special reference to any working memory and processing speed index scores)
    • Conners' CPT 3, TOVA 9, or other continuous performance tests
    • Tests of memory, attention, processing, and fluency from batteries such as the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities and of Achievement
  • Any medication the student is prescribed and a clear statement made as to whether the student was taking the medication(s) during the evaluation.
  • Documentation of current adult behavior (and past childhood behavior if possible) on rating scales of AD/HD symptoms that have appropriate norms. Possible data sources include norm-based behavior rating scales.
  • Corroboration of current AD/HD symptoms across multiple settings by one or more independent observers with knowledge of the student’s functioning. Possible data source include parent, spouse, teacher, supervisor, co-worker, relative, and/or clinician.
  • Evidence of interference with developmentally appropriate academic, social, or vocational functioning.
  • Other causes of problems with attention and concentration should be considered and discussed.
  • A positive response to medication is not, by itself, considered diagnostic.

ADHD Verification Form

ANU-Q's AD/HD Verification Form should be thoroughly filled out on behalf of the student by a licensed professional who diagnosed and/or currently treats the student.

Supplemental Documentation

Examples of documentation that are not typically adequate at the post-secondary level, but could be used to supplement primary documentation include:

  • Letters stating only that the student has AD/HD or is taking a particular medication for AD/HD 
  • An IEP or 504 Plan
  • A copy of a prescription for stimulant medication
  • Accommodation letters from previous institutions
  • Accommodation approval letters from standardized tests
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