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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AccessibleNU-Q?

The Northwestern University AccessibleNU-Q (ANU-Q) unit is responsible for the academic accommodation determination and coordination process for students with disabilities. 

How do I know if my condition is considered to be a disability and if I qualify for accommodations?

AccessibleNU-Q provides services to students with various conditions including, but not limited to: learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), physchological disabilities, medical, physical, & visual impairment, hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, central auditory processing disorder, Asperger's or Autism Spectrum Disorder, and/or other disabiling conditions.

What are reasonable accommodations?

Reasonable accommodations are individualized and flexible based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment. All accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis. Examples of potential accommodations are testing acommodations, note-taking, alernative test, assistantive technology, interpreter and captioning services, and/or classroom relocation.

Will information regarding my disability be printed on my transcript?

No. Even in rare cases where students are approved for course substitutions, no special indicator would appear on your transcript.

Will my professors be automatically notified?

No. Students must initiate the request for an accommodation email. AccessibleNU-Q cannot notify faculty without the student's explicit request.

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