Filming Approvals On/Off Campus
Please make yourself familiar with the NU-Q Campus and Student Filming Policy.
Filming on the NU-Q Campus is permitted only if it does not interfere with normal University business and/or previously scheduled events.
As a student of NU-Q, you are permitted to film on campus if the project is a student production and the crew are fellow students. (A student production is a project that is being filmed as part of a classroom assignment or grant and is not destined for commercial broadcast or other use.)
Filming inside the NU-Q building other than any studio
Notification should be sent to NU-Q HSSE (7 business days in advance) to ensure location availability and to ensure there is no conflict.
Filming in and around NU-Q building exteriors
Exterior filming is permitted so long as access to entrances are not impeded and fire escape routes are kept clear. Notification should be sent to NU-Q HSSE (7 business days in advance) to ensure there is no conflict.
Stunts/Special Effects
Stunts and/or special effects may be denied while filming on the NU-Q campus depending on risk to the University. For projects posing any risk to community members or facilities, please complete a filming Risk Assessment, found in Appendix A of the Campus and Student Filming Policy and forward to NU-Q HSSE for sign off.
Your NU-Q student ID card must be carried with you at all times while filming.
Internal Building Shoots
With the exception of the NU-Q building you are required to obtain a QF Filming Permit from the Qatar Foundation Media Center.
Please refer to Appendix B of the Campus and Student Filming Policy, for guidelines on how to successfully conduct your film project. You should also liaise with the filming location focal point.
External Building Shoots
Obtain a QF Filming Permit from the Qatar Foundation Media Center and refer to Appendix B of the Campus and Student Filming Policy, for guidelines on how to successfully conduct your film project. You should also liaise with the filming location focal point.
Prior to or on the day of the shoot contact QF Security Control Room at or by calling 4454 1086 to inform them of your planned activities, time, and place. (This is to ensure that you do not have difficulties with local guards).
Students who wish to conduct filming projects outside the confines of Education City, and in particular, projects that are in public spaces and therefore visible to the public, are required to seek permission through an online application to the Media Office of the Qatar News Agency (QNA).
Please refer to guidance on Filming Etiquette in Qatar found within the Campus and Student Filming Policy.