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Report a Concern

As a University, Northwestern takes the safety, security, and comfort of everyone in our community very seriously.  If you have a concern about the wellbeing or behavior of a Northwestern in Qatar student or if you have experienced a concern for which a Northwestern in Qatar student is responsible please let us know.

Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger.

Threatening Behavior

Members of the Northwestern community are expected to report concerning and threatening behavior immediately. Community responsibility and engagement in the reporting process enhances campus safety and the ability to effectively respond to potentially dangerous situations. Northwestern Qatar prohibits filing of knowingly false claims and information. To file a report, please complete the Wildcats Aware - Concerning Behavior Reporting Form (This form can be submitted anonymously).

Reports will be reviewed by Northwestern Qatar's Behavioral Consultation Team.

Report a concern

Student Conduct

Please use this report if you have a general concern about the wellbeing of a Northwestern in Qatar student or are concerned that a student’s behavior may violate a University policy.

Report a concern

QF Security Concern

Qatar Foundation Security works across Education City including at the Northwestern Qatar building, QF Student Housing, and all other Qatar Foundation facilities. To raise a complaint against a QF Security member, please email Michael McDonough, NU-Q Director of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment.
Report a Concern

Wrongful and/or unlawful activity

Northwestern is committed to promoting a culture of ethical conduct and adherence to law and policy, and provides several channels for students, staff, faculty, and other members of the University community to report or discuss concerns.  While we recommend that you report your concerns directly to your department or school, we understand that in certain circumstances you may wish to remain anonymous.  The EthicsPoint tool enables you to communicate issues and concerns associated with unethical or illegal activities while maintaining your anonymity and confidentiality.

Read more on Ethics Point, Concern Reporting, and Handling Issues.

Visit EthicsPoint

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance

Sexual Misconduct

This form can be used by any member of the Northwestern community (or non-community member) to report a concern of sexual misconduct, stalking, or dating or domestic violence in which anyone involved is a member of the Northwestern community.

Read more on the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies here.

Report a concern of sexual misconduct

Discrimination or Harassment

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance investigates complaints in which the person submitting the complaint alleges that a staff, faculty member, or third party, violated the University’s Policy on Discrimination and Harassment. This includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, genetic information or any other classification protected by US law.  Harassment, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics is a form of discrimination.

Read more on the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance policies here.

Report discrimination or harassment
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