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Payment Plan Guide

Use this page to preview enrolling in a new prepayment plan agreement, as well as viewing or updating an existing plan.

  • Tabs 1 through 8 show enrolling in a new prepayment plan
  • Tabs 9, 10, and A, B, C, D show viewing or updating an existing plan

Select an available plan

Use the budget worksheet to determine the estimated plan amount (adjustments are permitted later):

Plan Options: chose a security question & answer; select a payment method:

Upon selecting the Credit Card payment method, the 2.6% Service Fee reminder is shown:

Displays 2 plan amounts: down payment due, CC 2.6% service fee, and enrollment fee; and enter:

  • CC profile info with CC billing address, and
  • CC profile name

Confirm details are correct

Read terms & conditions, check the checkbox.

Payment plan receipt, showing:

  • today’s 2 amounts: down payment and 2.6% CC service fee;
  • this plan's unique agreement ID#

Payment Plans - Select an active payment plan.

Click Agreement Details to show Payment Plan Details.

Payment Plan Details has 4 items to view or update:

  • A) Terms and Conditions
  • B) Change Payment Method
  • C) Terminate (change plan status from Active to Inactive)
  • D) Adjust Balance
Change Payment Method:

Scroll to see all steps:

1. Go to payment plans and press on Agreement Details

2. Select “Change payment method”:

3. Click on continue after reading the service fee alert:

4. Provide Credit Card information:Select new payment profile

  • Select new payment profile

  • Provide Credit Card information:

  • Press save

5. Are you sure? (confirmation of change)

6. Payment Plan Activities section shows the change

Terminate (changes plan status from Active to Inactive)

Plan status changes:

  • Active after Terminate becomes Inactive
  • Inactive after Resume becomes Active
  • Inactive after Archive becomes Archived (may not be resumed)

Adjust Balance

Example of adjusting the plan balance:

Balance adjustments show in Payment Plan Details, Payment Plan Installments section:

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